2025 Pinnacle Award

Nominations Now Open

In 1987, the Pinnacle Awards was established by the Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women (now the Tulsa’s Women Commission) to celebrate the important contributions of women to the City of Tulsa. The event honored women who were exemplary leaders in the Tulsa community and demonstrated both professional success and commitment to service.

In 2015, the Tulsa’s Women Commission, forged a partnership with YWCA Tulsa’s event Women of the Year recognizing women who were role models and embodied their mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, standing up for social justice, and helping families. Over the last thirty years we have collectively honored more than 200 women, sharing their stories, amplifying their voices, recognizing their service, and congratulating them on their achievements. 

Nomination Forms

2025 Pinnacle Chair

Toneille Bent

A proud 5-year board member of the YWCA Tulsa, Toneille is devoted to building community and connection across lines of difference. After coming to the U.S. as a young girl, Toneille has spent the bulk of her life in Tulsa and has worked and served across many sectors including education and non-profit.

After a 9 year stretch with the national education non-profit City Year, Toneille recently began a role with Family and Children’s Services as Executive Vice President of Culture and Engagement, focused on supporting the agency’s priority to further its inclusive equity-focused culture.

In her “spare time” Toneille is completing a doctoral degree at Oklahoma State University and is the owner of Essencetial Truths Coaching and Consulting, LLC, a firm focused on personal coaching and leadership coaching and development. 

Toneille says by far her favorite role is that of "auntie," and her “guiltless pleasures” include long brunches, being on the water and live music.

Additional Information

  • The Pinnacle Awards recognizes women who are exemplary leaders in the Tulsa community, who have served as role models, and whose contributions have made a long-lasting impact.

    Women can be nominated in one of the following categories:

    Arts & Humanities

    Recognizes the achievement and leadership of women whose contributions in arts, culture, and heritage inspire and benefit our community.

    Health & Wellness

    Recognizes successful and community-focused leadership in health and wellness fields. This award will honor those that improve community health outcomes, address health inequities, or lead in any major research field that connects community to better health habits.

    Corporate Business

    Recognizes leaders in the professional or business sector who are role models in their careers and community involvement. Also recognizes leaders in the skilled trades, industry, or service sector whose achievements have broken down barriers and inspired positive change.


    Recognizes impactful and successful women entrepreneurs and small business owners. Leadership and impact are core tenants of this award. This award will honor those that innovate, create, and change our communities for the better.

    Community Service

    Recognizes influential community builders and leaders in the public sector whose professional or volunteer leadership and contributions help create a community in which everyone can thrive.


    Recognizes exceptional educators in schools, institutions, or community programs who are role models in their profession and community involvement, leading and inspiring positive change.

    Rising Star

    Recognizes a young woman under 40 who is making significant contributions to her school, community and/or work place. She demonstrates maturity, innovation, and leadership and inspires others to follow her example.

    Corporate Champion

    Recognizes a business in Tulsa, Oklahoma that is exemplary for developing women as leaders, creating an inclusive work environment, and has dedicated resources to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all.

  • Nominations Open – September 1, 2024

    Nominations Close – October 1, 2024

    Winners Notified - October 2024

    Winners Announced – November 2024

    Winners Celebrated - March 2025

    For date related questions, email Kyle Rutledge, click here.

  • What if I don’t know the answer to a question on the nomination form?

    Ask the woman or company you are nominating. Most nominees are happy to hear you are thinking of them and won’t mind answering a question! A complete form with detailed answers will help our selection panel in making the best choice. The selection panel is only able to score a candidate based on what is included on the nomination form, so do your best to answer all questions fully.

    Can I nominate someone for more than one category?

    Yes, you may nominate a woman for more than one category, but you will have to submit a nomination form for each category you would like to nominate them for. We encourage you to consider where they are the best fit and will be the most competitive.

    Can I edit or add to my nomination form once it has been submitted?

    Unfortunately, once your nomination has been submitted you will not be able to access the nomination form again. We encourage you to draft your nomination in a Word document and then copy and paste into our form so that you have the time to make changes before you submit.

    Does nominating someone more than one time increase their chances of winning?

    No, this will not influence a nominee’s chances of being selected.

    Can I nominate someone who has won an award in a past year?

    If a woman has already been recognized in a past year we will not consider them again, even if they are nominated in a different category. You can refer to our past winners list if you don’t know if they have received an award.

    Can YWCA or Tulsa Women's Commission staff or board members be nominated?

    No, they cannot.

    How are award winners selected?

    Each year a selection panel comprised of members of the Tulsa Women's Commission, YWCA Board of Directors reads and scores each nominee. Nominee applications are not discussed amongst the committee prior to or during scoring. The selection panel does not see who has made the nomination. They are asked not to do any additional research or use any prior knowledge of the applicant when scoring. They are only scoring based on what has been submitted in the nomination form.

    When will I hear who has been selected?

    Pinnacle Awards winners will be announced in a press release in November 2024. After the winners are announced, we will contact all nominees to let them know they were nominated.

    Any other questions?

    Contact our Individual Giving Manager, Kyle Rutledge, at krutledge@ywcatulsa.org or (918) 858-2372.

  • View a sample individual nomination form here.

    View a sample corporate nomination form here.

  • For a full list of past winners dating back to 1987, please view here.

    2024 Pinnacle Awards

    Gail Lapidus, Anna C. Roth Legacy Award

    Susan Neal, Arts and Humanities

    Dr. Martha Zapata, Community Service

    Molly Jarvis, Corporate Business

    Dr. Ebony Johnson, Education

    Lorena Rivas, Entrepreneur

    Anne Bogie, Health & Wellness

    Brandi Payton, Rising Star

    KKT Architects, Corporate Champion Award

2024 Pinnacle Awards